Survey Results

The Jewish-Christian Discovery Center conducted a professional survey, and every Friday we have been doing videos on Facebook and Instagram. Here are the questions- please join the conversation on Facebook or Instagram about these subjects.

  • Is Judaism a race, religion or ethnicity?
  • How old is the Jewish religion?
  • What do Jews believe about Jesus?
  • What faith were Jesus & Mary?
  • What faith did Jesus practice throughout his life?
  • Which groups were friendly to Jesus and his followers?
  • Who is responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus?
  • What is the origin of the idea that Jews have a unique connection to wealth?
  • Have you heard of and studied the Gospel of Judas and the infancy gospels?
  • What is the meaning of the phrase, “His blood be upon us and our children!”
  • What impact did the Roman authorities have on Jesus’ life?
  • What is the primary cause of antisemitism (anti-Jewishness)?
  • In your opinion, what is the best way to counter anti-semitism?
  • What subject about Jews and Judaism would you like to learn more about?

Join us every Friday at noon EST for the results of the survey we took! What do other people know about Jesus, and Judaism??? Come find out!

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