New Character Alert!
We are proud to announce a new character in our children book series- Ms. Jenny! She is a local church religious school prinicipal. Welcome Ms Jenny to our cast of characters. In ‘Holy Food’ Juan has an important question “Did Jesus keep kosher?” Ms Jenny provides Juan with the answer!
Film Festival Updates
We are excited to announce that we are semi finalist’s in the ‘Dubai Independent Film Festival.’ Have you checked out our film, ‘The Magical Encounter’- look for the tab above to pick the version that’s best for you. Congrats to the wonderful actor and actresses on the film!
Activity Book #5- Holy Food is out!
Holy Food: Activity Book #5 is an accompanying storybook and is part of our growing series of fun and informative children’s books. It is a companion to Holy Food storybook. Each activity book contains coloring pages featuring the original story, a maze, word find, and fun writing activities that encourage young readers to be a part of the story and expand upon the lessons of helping, similarities, and fellowship.
Why we are doing this campaign
Listen to Rabbi Slomovitz talk about why he wanted to make ‘Project Let There Be Light’ a North American activity to promote religious understanding.
Light It Up in the Night Song PLUS Lyrics
With the first night of Hanukkah falling on Christmas this year, we are creating a campaign which will offer historical information from the Jewish and Christian perspectives about the reasons for placing a menorah on or near the tree. In doing so, in this time of greatly increased antisemitism, we hope to fight prejudice in a number of ways.
First, it will reemphasize the strong linkages between the religions. Second, it will highlight the concept of Judaism as the “parent” religion that gave birth to Christianity. Third, we have a song and hymn written/produced, to be sung on December 25th which highlights the themes of mutual respect and understanding. Our hope is to have this program every year regardless of the actual dates of the holidays.
Here is a sneak peek into the song created for this new annual event-
Light It Up in the Night Song PLUS Lyrics
With the first night of Hanukkah falling on Christmas this year, we are creating a campaign which will offer historical information from the Jewish and Christian perspectives about the reasons for placing a menorah on or near the tree. In doing so, in this time of greatly increased antisemitism, we hope to fight prejudice in a number of ways.
First, it will reemphasize the strong linkages between the religions. Second, it will highlight the concept of Judaism as the “parent” religion that gave birth to Christianity. Third, we have a song and hymn written/produced, to be sung on December 25th which highlights the themes of mutual respect and understanding. Our hope is to have this program every year regardless of the actual dates of the holidays.
Here is a sneak peek into the song created for this new annual event-
Our foundational book, ‘A New Look at Rabbi Jesus’ is available for purchase on Amazon and Barnes & Noble online.
Children Books Series
The JCDC has 5 chapter books in our series of children books. Available on Amazon and Did Jesus have a Bar Mitzvah? Did he keep kosher? Why was that Torah flying?? Find all the answers in the books! Check them out here —>>>>
Coming soon!
Project Let There Be Light is coming— we are launching a nation wide campaign to encourage our Christian friends to place a menorah ornament on their Christmas tree. We will be learning about about the religious shared traditions and connections. More to come ~~~
Save the Date!
Rabbi Albert interviewed on Atlanta Interfaith Broadcast (AIB): Author’s Perspective earlier this spring. Check it out–>>>the airdates are coming.
The program will premiere Wednesday, June 19th at 6PM and re-air on the following schedule:
Thursday @ 2:30 PM
Friday @ 11 AM
Saturday @ 7 PM
Sunday @ 4:30 PM
Monday @ 8 PM
Tuesday @ 10 PM