Activity Book #5- Holy Food is out!

Holy Food: Activity Book #5 is an accompanying storybook and is part of our growing series of fun and informative children’s books. It is a companion to Holy Food storybook. Each activity book contains coloring pages featuring the original story, a maze, word find, and fun writing activities that encourage young readers to be a part of the story and expand upon the lessons of helping, similarities, and fellowship.

Project Let There Be Light 2024

Project Let There Be Light 2024 Survey

‘Project Let There Be Light 2025’ will be open in October 2025 to start ordering your menorahs. We are working on multiple colors for next year. We will have a limited amount of white to order at this moment. Please complete our above survey with suggestions for other colors.

NOTE: We are no longer accepting orders. We would love to see photos- find us on Facebook or email it to us at

  1. Once Menorah is received, place the Menorah on your Christmas tree or around your home. Watch our foundational introductory video-
  2. Once received or while you wait for your package, sing our song “Light Up the Night“, read our hymn. You will receive a packet or postcard with your Menorah. You will learn the history of both Hanukkah & the Menorah. Take a moment to read it over.
  3. Let us know if you have any questions at
Menorah Orders

Holy Foods Update

Are you interested in learn if Jesus kept kosher?? Hmm, what do you think? Currently out is the first book, ‘Holy Food.’ Coming soon is the Spanish version and the activity book.